
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Creepy Crawly Spiders

What better time to learn about these creepy crawlers than during the week of Halloween. We had a blast learning all about spiders. Ms. Morris and the children started the week by creating a chart of all the things we knew about spiders, and as our week progressed, we read many non-fiction books about spiders and added to our chart. We even learned if our class mostly liked or disliked spiders by taking a class survey and graphing our results. Needless to say I was on the DISLIKE side. The children worked together to help label the parts of a spider and then were able to complete their own labeled diagram. They loved singing and filling in the missing words to the Itsy Bitsy Spider, as part of their poetry journals and listening to The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle at our listening center. They worked on their beginning, middle, and end writing prompt after enjoying the book. To end our journey into the world of spiders, Ms. Morris guided the children as they created their very own cute and adorable hand print spider. And the best part of the entire week was our Halloween parade and classroom celebration. The children all looked fantastic and what better way to "show them off" than as the leaders of the school parade. YAY!! It's always an enormous treat to have our parents up at school with us, so thank you to all our parents who helped make Halloween a memorable event. In between having all this "spooktacular" fun, we continued to review our letters and their sounds, rhyming words, syllables, and the sight words we have learned so far. Please continue to practice with your children at home in order to help them master these skills.

Some of our Daily 5 Centers:

Very Busy Spider Beginning, Middle, Ending & Writing Prompt

Happy Halloween!


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