
Parents Page

Thank you! 


I would like to extend a big thank you to you, the parent, for your dedication and commitment to your child's education!  By working together as a partnership we are enhancing the knowledge of your child and fulfilling their educational dreams.

Let's have a wonderful school year!

The First Day
School begins at 9:00am. Please have your child here at school between 8:50 and 9:00 to avoid being tardy. Students must wait quietly outside the classroom until that time and will be greeted promptly when school has begun. The first days of school will be exciting and scary for your child. There may even be some tears. I promise that your child is in good hands and that I have an extraordinary day (and year!) planned ahead. Please say your goodbyes quickly. The quicker this is, the easier it will be for all of us. Thank you!

Daily Communication/BEE Folder
I will be communicating with you daily about your child's day through your child's BEE home folder. I have purchased these folders for you but if your child loses it during the year, you will need to send a replacement. In the folder will be a behavior incentive chart, papers, and school notes. The behavior incentive chart will either have a stamp for a successful day or a short note telling you about any problems that occurred. Notes home must be initialed by you and returned the following day. Your child is responsible for returning this folder daily.
Please follow through at home for any unacceptable behaviors that occur during the school day as this will help your child be more successful in school and make our days more pleasant. I appreciate your help!

Please make sure your child knows which mode of transportation he or she is taking to go home. For your child's safety, a written notice is necessary for any changes in transportation.

Behavior is one of the most important elements of the school day. If behavior is out of control, then learning is not possible. I use a 3 step method in my classroom. The steps are as follows:

  1. Everyone begins with a green smile Smiling

  2. If behavior needs to be adjusted or modified and multiple warnings are given, then the student moves down to a yellow face Neutral 

  3. If inappropriate behavior continues, the student moves down to a red sad face Sad  and has a 5 minute time out from either recess or center activity, and a note is sent home to parent.

I don't believe in a child's day being “over” because of poor choices so I allow students to move their name back to green at the end of the day. This teaches the children that everyday is a new day and we start fresh. 
Students will receive a smiley face on their behavior incentive charts for each day they remain on the green smiley face. Those students who have filled in their entire chart will get to choose a small treat from our class treasure box.

Lunch/Milk Money
All lunch and milk money needs to be sent in an envelope with the student's name and teacher's name on MONDAY. Please send all money in your child's BEE folder in the money pouch.

Regular lunch Weekly - $11.25
Lunch Daily- $2.25
Milk Weekly- $3.25
Milk Daily- 0.65
Water Weekly - $3.75
Water Daily - 0.75
Please make checks payable to Middletown Cafe Account or set up a student lunch account for your child on-line.  Using your child's student ID number, you may make payments by credit card or by electronic checking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at your convenience, by setting up an account at 

We will have snack time each day. Please put your child's snack in a paper bag labeled with their name, so that it is separate from their lunch. We have a very busy schedule our snack time has to be brief. Please provide your child with a healthy snack & drink each day (suggestions: fruit, yogurt, pretzels, granola bars, cheese, crackers such as goldfish, sliced veggies, etc.).  Please do not send in cookies or sweets. I thank you for your efforts and cooperation!


The purpose of any homework sent home will be to reinforce concepts already taught in the classroom. A homework packet will be sent home on the first day of each month and should be checked daily.  Packets will be checked and returned every Friday.  Completion of weekly homework will result in a satisfactory grade on the kindergarten report card. 
Starting in January, in addition to the monthly homework packet, the students will receive weekly reading packets that will be collected on Fridays as well. Each student will receive a reader on their individual reading level, to complete the weekly assignments.


According to procedure, no treats should be brought to school to celebrate your child's birthday. In lieu of a classroom celebration, all Bayview students will celebrate their birthday month on a designated day with our principal,  Ms. Raspanti. 

Birthday invitations are no longer permitted to be distributed in school. Please feel free to deliver your child's birthday invitations to his/her friends and classmates by some other means.

Review sight words that are sent home weekly inside your child's BEE folder.
This is a partial list of some of the Kindergarten sight words we will be working with:

I   to   a   at   on   the   he   is   no   go   and   in  it   do am   up   we   my   me   an  like   you   see   so   can   look   here   come   for   
All color and number words should be recognizable as well.  

Sight words should be recognized on a list and while reading books.

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