
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Have you filled a bucket today?

I am excited to say WE are a bucket filling kindergarten class! After reading the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today, we learned that each of us has an invisible bucket. We can choose to be a bucket filler who does and says nice things. Not only do you fill that person's bucket, but you also fill yours too! Each time the children fill their bucket 8 times, they will be recognized by Ms. Raspanti and have their names written on "Bayview's Bucket Fillers" wall. How exciting!!
Click on the link below to learn more about Bucket Filling:
 Classroom Management Pack including ways to be a bucket filler, what to do with our hands, knowing our warning signs, good behavior awards...and so much more!

Monday, September 23, 2013


Please feel free to look around your child's home away from home. They have been working really hard these past few weeks. Also, please take a moment to write a "sweet note" for your child to share tomorrow morning.

Thank you!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Wow.. we are into our second week of school, and I am exhausted. LOL Our class of 16 students is awesome, but I forgot just how dependent kindergarteners can be in September. So far we have set up our daily routine, learned our class rules, began building our reading stamina, but most importantly we made new friends. We have such a wonderful group, that we even had several "bucket fillers" this week! Even exhausted, that makes me smile. Today began our introduction to learning centers, and so far it is a huge success. This class deserves a standing round of applause, which they gave themselves right before lunch! BRAVO kindergarteners!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I am so excited to meet my new students and their families tomorrow at Kindergarten Orientation!
We are going to have a fabulous year together...learning, exploring, & making new friends. I am looking forward to taking this journey with you. Staples had it right when they called September "the most wonderful time of the year".  Let the fun begin!  :)